Books and Sites to Help Improve Your Financial State

Books and websites to help manage your finances


September is Self-Improvement Month, a great time and opportunity to hone your skills and form new habits that will have a positive influence on all areas of your life — including the financial side of your life. To help kick-start the financial self-improvement process, we compiled a list of books and e-books (including some special recommendations from financial experts) that will get you headed in the right direction.


Personal Finance for Dummies by Eric Tyson


“Personal Finance for Dummies has helped countless readers budget their funds successfully, rein in debt, and build a strong foundation for the future.”


–Natasha M. Campbell, Founder and CEO of Lifestyle Success Unlimited, LLC



The Money Book for the Young, Fabulous & Broke by Suze Orman


“This is one of my favorite college books. Suze Orman helps millennials navigate the basics of the financial world, like coping with huge student loans and a job market for young people.”


–Natasha M. Campbell, Founder and CEO of Lifestyle Success Unlimited, LLC



Wall Street: How It Works and for Whom by Doug Henwood


“This great book is a coherent, although somewhat biased, critique of everything that’s wrong with Wall Street. The good news is that for every abuse of power and every misaligned incentive, there is an opportunity for entrepreneurs and new ventures to provide investors with a better deal.”


–Asheesh Advani, Oxford doctorate, and CEO at Covestor



The Little Book of Behavioral Investing by James Montier


“If you want to be a better investor, I’d go with this gem. We’re all just a jumble of emotions and instincts left over from our hunter-gatherer roots. As humans, it feels good to run with the pack, but that may not be the best approach to investing. It just seems our hard wiring and emotional biases almost doom us to fail as investors. The theme of the book is how not to be your own worst enemy, and Montier points out all our behavioral traits that can trip us up when investing. He weaves in funny anecdotes and his own experiences as an investor and strategist. Each chapter also has quizzes designed to illustrate our emotional biases — I failed every one.”


–John Spence, MarketWatch reporting alum, and Covestor Head of Content



The Missing Semester by Gene Natali, Jr. & Matt Kabala


It is a financial guide for young adults who are preparing for the world of financial responsibility. A great resource for the 20-somethings, college students and high school students in your life.




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