Lending Partners
NetCredit works with lending partner banks to offer personal loans and lines of credit in some states, providing more access to fast, trustworthy credit.
About Our Bank Partnerships
In certain states, NetCredit works with Capital Community Bank to offer personal loans and lines of credit. Some personal loans and lines of credit in these states will be underwritten by, approved by and made by Capital Community Bank.
NetCredit has partnered with Republic Bank & Trust Company to offer personal loans and lines of credit in certain states. In these states, some loans and lines of credit will be underwritten by, approved by and made by Republic Bank & Trust Company.
In addition, NetCredit works with Transportation Alliance Bank, Inc. d/b/a TAB Bank to offer personal loans and lines of credit in certain states. Some personal loans and lines of credit in these states will be underwritten by, approved by and made by Transportation Alliance Bank, Inc. d/b/a TAB Bank.
To identify the lender for your personal loan or line of credit, please refer to your consumer credit agreement.
NetCredit will still service your account, so you can continue to rely on our Customer Support Team to assist you and answer any questions. You will also have access to your personal loan or line of credit through your online account with NetCredit.
Bank Partners

AK, AR, AZ, FL, HI, IN, KS, KY, MI, MN, MO, MS, MT, NE, NJ, OH, OK, OR, RI, SC, TN, TX, VA and WY, some NetCredit loans and lines of credit are offered by Capital Community Bank. All loans and lines of credit will be serviced by NetCredit.
Head to the Rates & Terms for more details and to learn what is offered in your state. Please refer to the Capital Community Bank Privacy Notice for a description of what Capital Community Bank does with your personal information.
In AK, AR, AZ, FL, HI, IN, KS, KY, MI, MN, MO, MS, MT, NE, NJ, OH, OK, OR, RI, TN, TX and WY, some NetCredit loans and lines of credit are underwritten by, approved by and funded by Republic Bank & Trust Company. All loans and lines of credit will be serviced by NetCredit.
Head to the Rates & Terms for more details and to learn what is offered in your state. Please refer to the Republic Bank & Trust Company Privacy Policy for a description of what Republic Bank & Trust Company does with your personal information.
In AK, AR, AZ, FL, HI, IN, KS, KY, MI, MN, MS, MT, NE, NJ, OH, OK, OR, RI, SC, TN, TX, VA and WY, some NetCredit loans and lines of credit are offered by Transportation Alliance Bank, Inc. d/b/a TAB Bank. All loans and lines of credit will be serviced by NetCredit.
Head to the Rates & Terms for more details and to learn what is offered in your state. Please refer to the Transportation Alliance Bank Privacy Policy for a description of what Transportation Alliance Bank does with your personal information.
In AL, CA, DE, GA, ID, IL, LA, ND, NM, SD, UT and WI, all NetCredit loans and lines of credit are offered by a member of the NetCredit family of companies. All loans and lines of credit will be serviced by NetCredit.
Head to the Rates & Terms for more details and to learn what is offered in your state.