Rates & Terms

Personal Loan

Line of Credit

Loan Amounts

$1,000 – $10,000

APR Range

34.99% – 99.99%

Loan Duration

12 – 60 months

Minimum Credit Limit:


Maximum Credit Limit:


Check Your Eligibility

This won't affect your credit score.

All loans are underwritten by, approved by and made by Capital Community Bank or Transportation Alliance Bank, Inc. d/b/a TAB Bank. Loans will be serviced by NetCredit. Applicants may receive an offer for either a personal loan, a line of credit or both.

All lines of credit are underwritten by, approved by and made by Capital Community Bank or Transportation Alliance Bank, Inc. d/b/a TAB Bank. Lines of credit will be serviced by NetCredit. Applicants may receive an offer for either a personal loan, a line of credit or both.

A 10% Cash Advance Fee is deducted from the amount of each Cash Advance. See below for details on all applicable fees.

*Not all customers are eligible to be considered for a Credit Limit above $5,000.

Typical Loan Example

This is Derek.

  • Derek applies and is approved for a personal loan of $4,500.
  • His loan's APR is 65%.
  • He customizes his loan duration to make sure his monthly repayment is manageable.

Here’s what his repayment will look like.

Loan Duration

50 months

Monthly Repayment


Loan terms vary based on application details and qualifications.

Check Your Eligibility

This won't affect your credit score.

Information About Fees & Charges

Cash Advance Fee:

10% of each Cash Advance, which will be deducted from the amount you request and the remaining Advance Proceeds are delivered to you.

Statement Balance Fee:

The Statement Balance Fee assessed each Billing Cycle will vary based on your Billing Cycle (determined by your income frequency), your creditworthiness at the time of your application, your Cash Advance Balance at the end of your Billing Cycle and any Fee Saver reductions earned by making on-time payments. If your Cash Advance balance at the end of your Billing Cycle is $25 or less, you will not incur a Statement Balance Fee.

See below for further payment examples and click here to view the Fee Table.

Product Features

Fee Saver:

We reward on-time payments with fee reductions through our Fee Saver feature. Each time you make a Qualifying String of Payments (12 consecutive Bi-weekly/Semi-monthly or six consecutive Monthly payments) you earn a reduction of your Statement Balance Fee.

If billed Bi-weekly/Semi-monthly, your Statement Balance Fee will be reduced after each Qualifying String of Payments by $0.40 per $100 of your outstanding Cash Advance Balance with a maximum reduction of $3 per $100 of your outstanding Cash Advance Balance.

If billed Monthly, your Statement Balance Fee will be reduced after each Qualifying String of Payments by $0.80 per $100 of your outstanding Cash Advance Balance with a maximum reduction of $6 per $100 of your outstanding Cash Advance Balance.


Skip-a-Pay is an earned reward that lets you skip the Minimum Payment for a Billing Cycle. Each time you make a Qualifying String of Payments (12 consecutive Bi-weekly/Semi-monthly or six consecutive Monthly payments), you earn a Skip-a-Pay.

There is no limit to the number of Skip-a-Pays you can accrue.

You can generally use a Skip-a-Pay for any regularly scheduled Minimum Payment, but you cannot redeem a Skip-a-Pay within two business days of a scheduled payment or if your Account becomes past due.

Payment Information


A line of credit is an open-end form of credit and has no fixed duration.

Minimum Payment:

Each Billing Cycle, your Minimum Payment will include a portion of your Cash Advance Balance plus a Statement Balance Fee based on your Cash Advance Balance.

If your Billing Cycle is Bi-weekly/Semi-monthly, the Minimum Payment will equal 2.5% of your Cash Advance Balance (inclusive of Cash Advance Fee) plus the Statement Balance Fee. If your billing cycles are Monthly, the Minimum Payment will equal 5% of your Cash Advance Balance (inclusive of Cash Advance Fee) plus the Statement Balance Fee. This charge also takes into consideration any Fee Saver reductions accrued. The Minimum Payment for any period will never be less than $50 if you pay Bi-weekly/Semi-monthly or $100 if you pay Monthly unless your Account Balance at the end of the Billing Cycle is smaller, in which case your Minimum Payment will equal the Account Balance.

Bi-Weekly Billing Cycle Minimum Payment Example:

This is Jamie.

  • Jamie applies and gets a Credit Limit of $1,500.
  • Based on his pay dates, Jamie will have a Bi-weekly Billing Cycle.
  • He requests an initial Cash Advance of $1,000.

Here's how that looks after his 10% Cash Advance fee is assessed.

Cash Advance Requested


Advance Proceeds ($1,000 Cash Advance – $100 Cash Advance Fee)


Now let's look at how his initial Minimum Payment will be calculated:

Cash Advance Balance


2.5% of Cash Advance Balance


Statement Balance Fee


Minimum Payment (2.5% of Cash Advance Balance + Statement Balance Fee)


Monthly Billing Cycle Minimum Payment Example:

This is Alexis.

  • Alexis applies and gets a Credit Limit of $1,500.
  • Based on her pay dates, Alexis will have a Monthly Billing Cycle.
  • She requests an initial Cash Advance of $1,000.

Here's how that looks after her 10% Cash Advance fee is assessed.

Cash Advance Requested


Advance Proceeds ($1,000 Cash Advance – $100 Cash Advance Fee)


Now let's look at how her initial Minimum Payment will be calculated:

Cash Advance Balance


5% of Cash Advance Balance


Statement Balance Fee


Minimum Payment (5% of Cash Advance Balance + Statement Balance Fee)


Check Your Eligibility

This won't affect your credit score.